Saturday 2 February 2013

Just when I thought I had you all figured out...

...You tapped me, the "parent of a perfect sleeper", on the shoulder and said; "I'm no crochet pattern mama, you can't figure me out just like that!" After sleeping perfectly for 8 out of the 10 nights Mr. Man was away, I thought we surely must have entered a new season...the season parents of (some) toddlers talk about, the "Don't worry, they'll start sleeping through the night at some point'' season. Let me confess, I had even started drafting a blog post on how we conquered our sleep issues!  I won't delete it, for I I'll surely be able to publish it some day (somebody please tell me that will be before she goes to university!)

I lay next to her in the early morning today, trying desperately to put her back to sleep. I caught myself before getting terribly frustrated. As I gently brushed her curls with my hand it dawned on me once again that my sweet Caramel will not be a baby forever. Right now, she's really just a baby being a baby, actually just a human being being human - some nights are good and some are not so good.

Do keep the good nights coming Miss Olivia because
Good nights = Very Very Very Happy Mama
Bad nights = Happy Mama


  1. Cutie!!!

    & yes it does even out at some point, although keep in mind even when they are toddlers they still have the occasional bad night. When they are small babies such as her a variety of things make her sleep patterns shift such as teething, crawling, and beginning to walk ;)

    1. Thanks Emily. I think we really have unreasonable expectations on how babies should sleep. I guess we just have to remember that all babies are different, they don't all have the same sleep patterns, and very importantly, just like adults, they have bad nights too and find it even harder than us to go back to sleep on such nights. We'll hang in there though...ONE DAY, ONE DAY we'll look back and say, "We made it! Through all those sleepless nights!"
