Saturday 15 March 2014


"A portrait of my babies, once a week, every week, in 2014"

Olivia: These two pictures of you pretty much some up our week. Happy smiles and giggles have been rare and when they've happened they've lasted all of 5 minutes, to be replaced by screaming and whining. Oh darling girl, what to do, what to do.

"Baby Boy": Week 38! Mama is really feeling stretched to the max, but I am patiently hanging in there until you are ready little one.  It almost feels unreal that in about two weeks' time (or any day now) we will be holding you in our hands. 


  1. Oh she is the sweetest, even when she's not happy!

    1. Thank you! Oh what testing times though :-)

  2. I really love when people capture real moments! I love that you can see the flood of emotions so clearly in that first one. I have a two year old that is so full of defiance and passion and I'm all too used to seeing that face. ;) I hope the days get a little easier for you.

    1. Thank goodness my camera is always nearby so I can capture these moments :-) Thanks for stopping by.
