Wednesday 12 June 2013

Tea for one...or two

Daytime naps have been such a battle this week. Little walking Miss Olivia wants nothing to do with her bed, as life is all about walking around (and eating) right now. Today, after fighting for hours I finally succeeded in putting her down for her afternoon nap...more like an early evening nap at that point. I very cautiously walked out of her room, careful not to make the slightest sound. After closing the door, I did my crazy victorious mama dance...yeah baby, I won this round!

So how to celebrate this moment? Late afternoon tea has always been one of my favourite times of the day, but since sweet Caramel joined us...let me just is very different! So I thought I'd grab this opportunity and have some special "me-time" while she napped. Surely this nap would stretch for an hour or more, since she had been up all day. So I made myself a cup of rooibos tea in my favourite tea cup passed down from my great grandmother, grabbed some wool and a hook and popped over to Pinterest to find some inspirational crochet creations. Yet just as my behind was about to touch the chair...sigh...I heard her high pitched cry. And so this is what became of my special "tea for one" moment - half of my tea was transferred to a sippy cup, and as for my chicken sandwich, I looked away for half a second and suddenly there it was in her little fist!  Furthermore the wool was unravelled and tied all around the rocking horse, and the hook was used for what looked like hand-eye coordination exercises. 

Ah, the best laid plans of mice and men...

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