Monday 11 March 2013

Moments like this!

Olivia's sleep patterns have been rather shocking lately! She wakes up anywhere between two to five times a night and always eager and ready to start the day by the ungodly hour of 5 a.m. (Okay, sometimes we are lucky and she snoozes until just before 6 a.m.) Yes I've made peace with the fact that she has good nights and bad nights and my body has actually gotten used to this routine (or lack thereof!). But I have to admit, there are still those very trying moments when I just want to scream at her to GO BACK TO SLEEEEEEEP!

Friday night to Saturday morning was ridiculous. Between Scott and I we probably woke up about 8 times to either put the pacifier back into her mouth (How I wish I could tie that thing around her face!), or to cuddle her back to sleep. Eventually at around 4:30 a.m. I had had enough, I was frustrated, tired, grumpy and slowly losing my patience. (I'm very patient you see, even when I'm losing it, I do it slowly :-)) I needed my peace back before I...!

I very grumpily carried her out of her cot and off to the kitchen we went to make some popcorn. Her wide-awake big eyes were fixed on the pot so curiously as the corn popped, chatting along in an attempt to communicate her excitement. In that moment, I felt all the anxiety and frustration leave my body. We then watched a sweet movie together. Goodness, I have never seen such cuteness! She sat so content, munching on popcorn, eyes fixed on the television screen...for a good 50 minutes and after that she dosed off.

I hope I never forget this moment. I want to treasure it forever and ever!


  1. She is gorgeous! I am co sleeper so i dont have to get out of bed when baby wakes up. Why dont u put the dummy on a chain and show her how to get to it ? I think that could help.
