Monday 5 November 2012

Dear Olivia (6 months old)

Oh my goodness, it has been half a year already!  In some ways it feels like it was only yesterday when I was carrying you in my womb, yet in many ways it feels like you’ve been part of my life forever.

I love being your mommy, as everyday you teach me something new about this beautiful life.  You, my darling, love to be rocked to sleep, in fact you have to be rocked to sleep for almost every nap and sleep time! This requires a lot of patience, especially at night after a busy workday. I’ve always thought of myself as a very patient person, but being a mommy is teaching me new levels of patience. Of course that’s not a bad thing at all…learning to be more patient.

Your pure innocence inspires and challenges me to look within and rid myself of all preconceived ideas and judgments I have about people.  You seem to attract all kinds of people, from gentle, loving grannies to dodgy-looking car guards. And when in the mood, you innocently and inevitably go to whoever and allow them to love you. You are not scared of the poor or downtrodden-looking, for your innocence allows you to perceive them like you would anyone else.  It is beautiful, my darling, and I promise to try my best to treasure and protect it.

The trust that I see when I look into your eyes amazes me. When you are hungry you know where to look and there is no doubt in your mind that mommy, daddy or nanny will provide. When you need to be comforted, held or cuddled you just open up your arms with the confidence that you will be picked up and your need met. You are indeed teaching me more about trusting in my Daddy God!

You have grown so much. I can’t believe that you were ever a floppy little bundle whose neck had to be supported at all times. You can now sit up perfectly all by yourself! You look so cute and serious when sitting up and carefully studying your surroundings - sometimes you look like you could actually say something. And by the way, what exactly is it you stare and smile at for so long on the ceiling – could it be angels? Oh how I wish I knew what goes through your head at such times!

You have two little teeth. You were so good when they came out, with no troubles, extra fussiness or sickness at all.  I must say though, I’m not enjoying your sudden bites when nursing you.  Teeth are for biting and chewing food my dear, not mommy!

And you love your food so much; I love watching you eat with such delight and enthusiasm. Right now your favourite foods are oatmeal, butternut soup, baby marrow, papaya, prunes and peaches, peaches and more peaches! What a mess to clean up after mealtime, but that’s all right, food is all about fun and learning for now, plus daddy always sorts the mess out!

I love you my darling. You make my life so rich and beautiful.

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